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WSJ After Effects cc 2014 training at Fatbars

There are many challenges when creating motion graphics animations. Information graphics are especially tough. Because information graphics or infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly. Visually clean in design and yet must deliver accurate message to the audience in a very short time. These are the kind of graphics that the crew at Wall Street Journal (Hong Kong) need to create for their daily news video online. They have chosen After Effects CC 2014 as the tool for this task.

The Wall Street Journal is an English-language international daily newspaper with a special emphasis on business and economic news published in New York. WSJ online coverage of breaking news and current headlines from the US and around the world. For any news media facility, you are always on standby, for any sudden news break that needs you to jump into action ASAP . Special training arrangement was made for WSJ staff. Their customized After Effects CC 2014 training was divided into 2 separate classes. Allowing their staff to change to a different class when needed.

Special attention was given to 3D tracking and AE Expressions. Using expressions, instead of numerous keyframes, lets you create and link complex animations. Expressions are used to give a more organic animations like bounce and overshoot. 3D tracking lets you add infographic elements onto your live footage by tracking physical camera movement. A very popular design direction. Do catch your daily news at their WSJ.com and check out their motion graphics animations.