+852 64383480 training@fatbars.org

Renaissance Colleage’s FCPX workshop

We recently had the opportunity to deliver a short Final Cut Pro X workshop at Renaissance College Hong Kong. Thanks to Ms Ania Zielinska, after many months of proposing and planning, the workshop finally happened. This is not our first on site training there. We had previously delivered another workshop during the 21 CL Conference . What was really impressive for us, was the location where the training was held. Opened late last year, The Red Door Centre is the IT Media Lab inside Renaissance College. Equipped with Mac laptops, projectors, green rooms and all things IT, this facilities service and train all the teachers and students for the college. It also serves as an IT hub for ESF schools around Hong Kong. The best part for us, was seeing many of the teachers who had attended ourApple certified training throughout the years.

This workshop was for both teachers and students who have some experience using Final Cut Pro X before. Digital Media is evolving so quickly that short workshop like this one, help people pick up the latest technology updates in a amount of short time. As more consumer equipments are shooting 4K, understanding the challenge will better prepare for the changes ahead, in an education scenario.

As before, we had a great time and thank you for having us. We look forward to many more events with all our educational clients.