Apple Pro Apps Workshop at 21CL Conference
This January, Fatbars went back to school to present an Apple Pro Apps Workshop at 21CL event. Held at Renaissance college Hong Kong, The 21st Century Learning @ Hong Kong conference brings educators from within and beyond the region together to interact with ideas and experiences designed to make them better prepared, informed and enthused to be able to bring out the best in the digital native learners they influence.
When we asked to participate in this event, we wanted to create an Apple Pro Apps workshop that is more relevant to educators. Creating animations and editing videos into a delivery format on the iPad was the direction we went with. A combination of FCPX and iBook App and deliver their finish edit in an interactive platform.
21st Century Learning Hong Kong is a education non-profit in Hong Kong focused on promoting sharing of best practice 21st Century Learning. 21CLHK has hosted four education conferences in Hong Kong and was founded as a non-profit in 2011. Unlike post production houses and tv broadcasters, educators often deals with their students’ media projects will take a much longer time as they work with young kids at schools.
Makers and To do list feature in FCPX provides a method of communications between the teachers and their students. Students often shot with all kinds of cameras, from DSLR to iPhones, so using FCPX to combine and management the multi format clips is crucial for any projects. Media education is the process of teaching and learning about media. It is about developing young people’s critical and creative abilities when it comes to the media. iBook App is free and easy to learn as you create your very own book to present your edit and research in an interactive manner.
A delivery format that will prove an additional choice for not only educators, but also many corporations and sales executives. Providing professional edited clip and interactive depth delivered for the best interactive experience for your clients. Thank you for having us 21st Century learning Hong Kong conference.