+852 64383480 training@fatbars.org

Interactive Virtual Workshop • 互動網上工作坊

INTERACT In SYNC Collaborate

Redesign our workshops to emphasize on interaction and  to accommodate the differences in the attendees’ level of knowledge and skills. Synchronous Virtual Workshops allows immediate feedback from our trainer and the attendees. Creating a Collaborative Learning Environment to help you achieve your training goals.

Delivering award winning training services to professionals wherever you are around the world.

歡迎來到互動網上工作坊. 我們的互動網上工作坊, 強調互動. 我們的同步網上工作坊允許培訓師和學生建立協作學習環境, 幫助您實現培訓目標. 使用全球大學目前相同的平台. 無論您身在何處,都可以獲得專業培訓.



We choose Zoom as our delivery platform. Zoom.us is currently deployed at top universities and enterprises around the world. Hosting their classes and webinar daily. Providing a constant Collaborative Learning Environment experience. Delivering Synchronous Virtual Workshops allows immediate feedback from our trainer to you.



We want to make sure your system is all set up before attending any of our Virtual workshops. Contact us for a free 15 min online consultation using Zoom. Zoom works best via Chrome browser. You will be set up in no time. You can even join the class via mobile if you cannot access your computer.


You can allow our trainer to remote control your computer during training. The trainer then can show you the answer to your questions interactively At any time, you can take back that control and deny the access to anyone. You are in control.


Don’t feel like showing your face during class ? You can choose not to. During class, you can choose to join the class via ‘Audio Only’. Your choice every time.



A live Chat window is there for you to say ‘Hi’ to everyone or directly to your trainer by selecting their name. Share your screen with the trainer directly when you have questions.


If you missed the training session or just want to revise the class, you can do so. Every session you attend for your workshop will be recorded. For your eyes only.

Features and Instuctions 

Please fill in this form for all training and quotations enquires

Which training workshops are you interested in?

Type of training preferred

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